Превод текста

Minoram - نه دوزخ نه بهشت (Na Doozakh Na Behesht) Лирицс транслатион то енглисх


Neither Hell Nor Heaven

In the path of Your love, we are prisoners of affliction
No one is as wretched a lover as we are
Look upon us, for we are strangers in this city
Be merciful upon us, for we are beggars in this city

We are like Hallaj, unafraid of the gallows
We are like Majnun, for in love, we are divine
We feared once, as we were afraid of affliction
Now, what do we fear, for in the midst of affliction, we are.

We have a secret with You, to which no one else is privy
Even if our head is severed, we will not reveal it to anyone
We are not troubled by the fear of hell, nor the desire for heaven
Remove the veil from Your face, for we long for Your presence


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Jednom će doći i tvoj dan

Click to see the original lyrics (German, Serbian)

Jednom će doći i tvoj dan,
Tada će svi tvoji snovi postati stvarnost.
Jednom ćeš sigurno stići do cilja,
Tada je život samo igra.

Ponekad u tami noći,
Kada te usamljenost zove,
Tvoje srce plače od čežnje,
Tada se seti:
Sve može već sutra ujutro
Odjednom biti sasvim drugačije.
I kada sija sunce,
Više nisi sam.

Jednom dolazi i tvoj dan,
Tada će se ostvariti najlepši san.
Jednom dolazi i tvoj dan,
(Živi svoj život, brzo prolazi)
Tada će svi tvoji snovi postati stvarnost.
(Jer svet je tako lep)
Jednom ćeš sigurno stići do cilja,
( Svakog dana sreća se ponovo smeška)
Tada je život samo igra.

Jednom dolazi i tvoj dan,
Tada će se svi tvoji snovi ostvariti.
Jednom ćeš sigurno stići do cilja,
Tada je život samo igra.

Živi svoj najlepši san,
Jer vreme prolazi,
I svaki novi dan se nikada ne vraća.
Pusti svoje brige da nestanu
I ne gubi hrabrost.
Tada će ti sutra možda
Doneti novu sreću.

Jednom dolazi i tvoj dan,
Tada će se ostvariti najlepši san,
Tada će se ostvariti najlepši san.

The clock

The clock marks the time
A continuous, nerve-wracking sound
A deafening silence
In this empty room without you
I search for your image

From the street, confused voices
I wait for you and listen to them
Women laughing
But among these voices, you’re not here
No, you’re still not here

Too many times I’ve already forgiven you
How long will I be able to bear it?
I’d like to kill you
Like the rabid dog that, for no reason
Bites its master

The clock marks the time
Finally, you’ve returned
Now I crawl at your feet
You’re the queen, I ask you:
“Do what you want with me”


Tidings from London

Rail tracks drawn in white chalk on the brick pavement
Memories take me back in time
You were ten, and I was seven
Inside the rainbow colors of blown bubble gum
Romance burst and vanished

Old tales swayed to the pipes of men
Gathered at that pub on Abbey Road
One, with an anchor on his arm, just like Popeye
With those blue eyes of yours sparkling
You said that you'd become a sailor

Just try smiling, que sera sera
The night my mother told me those words were Spanish
I was shedding tears from my first kiss

On the morning I suddenly returned to Japan
That copper coin you handed me is now rusted
Just try smiling, que sera sera
Life is like a dream over in a flash
The thick fog of that London morning


The Song of the Jailer

'Where are you going, dear jailer
With that key stained with blood?'
I'm going to free my beloved
If I'm still in time

I had locked her inside
Tenderly, cruelly
In the cell of my desire
In the depths of my torment
In the lies of the future
In the stupidity of the oath

I want to free her
I want her to be free
And even to forget me
And even to leave me
And even to return
To love me again
Or to love another

And if she loves another
And I remain alone
And she will have left
I will keep only
I will keep for life
In the hollow of my hands
Until the last day
The sweetness of her breasts
Molded by love